Taiwan: Completing the Network
Several years ago QuakeFinder realized that we just would not get enough earthquakes in California to characterize the electromagnetic signals associated with earthquakes in a reasonable time. We did a study to see which countries had the most earthquakes greater than M5 per year on average. Taiwan was found to have about 15x the number of M5+ quakes than California, so we contacted a colleague (Dr. Tiger Liu) at the National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan. So far, this collaboration has resulted in 5 trips to Taiwan and 15 donated instruments. Together with Dr. Liu and Ian Chen, his assistant, we found good locations mostly along the eastern coastline, close to the subduction fault that borders Taiwan.
In May of this year, QuakeFinder technicians Bob and Rey Camins traveled to Taiwan, installed the last 4 instruments, and upgraded the existing 11 instruments to the latest configuration, completing the network. Our colleagues were especially helpful in getting this network installed and running. The installation process involved 12-hour work days, mosquitoes, really large spiders, and occasional snakes. During this trip, heavy rain and landslides were added to the challenges, but the team hung in there and finished the job on time. Many thanks go to the entire team for all their cooperation and hard work.