Quakefinder Blog

QuakeFinder is awarded the 2015 VIA SAT Humanitarian Excellence Award

QuakeFinder was awarded the VIA SAT Humanitarian Excellence Award for 2015 at the recent Satellite 2015 Conference in Washington DC. The award is given to a company or group that uses satellites to promote the welfare of mankind. In this case QuakeFinder uses both ground (QuakeFinder 165 site Magnetometer network) and space( the GOES weather satellite’s IR camera) to develop a system to forecast large earthquakes days before they happen. This research is ongoing and is refining a system to detect these devastating earthquakes, and ultimately to save lives. Congratulations to the QuakeFinder Team (below)  

QuakeFinder Network detects and characterizes the recent “Mega-Solar Storm” that hit Earth March 16-19.

Space weather affects us on earth and it manifests itself as larger northern light displays, as potential satellite damage, and as potential power outages due to induced currents in power lines. QuakeFinder’s network is able to show how much the magnetic disturbances affect specific areas in California, based on the differences in ground conductivity.     Example 1 Before the solar storm started: Green bars are magnetic index form NOAA space weather website. Green means that there is low solar activity and low magnetic disturbances on earth.   Red plot is the North-South magnetometer at our Parkfield site in central California. Green plot is the East-West magnetometer at Parkfield. Blue plot is the vertical magnetometer at Parkfield. 24 hours across the time axis (Pacific Standard Time and UTC time).       Example 2  During the solar storm where a large signal is observed at a location where there is a known salt water submerged lake (Parkfield): Yellow and red bars show the level of a large magnetic storm (Magnetic index Kp from NOAA Space Weather website). .     These same signals are observed at all our magnetometer sites, but some are lower than others due to ground conductivity. Example 3  During the solar storm but where a smaller signal is observed at a site in a dry mountainous area: