Quakefinder Blog

110th year anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Anniversary of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake April 18th is the 110th anniversary of the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. They had barely invented seismometers in those days, and certainly did not have any electromagnetic monitoring equipment. However, there was an interesting report of another electromagnetic indicator–earthquake lights –contained in this 2014 story from USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/02/earthquake-lights-rare-phenomenon/4255097/ In the 9th paragraph of the story, the author cited reports of earthquake lights observed prior to the 1906 earthquake, both in San Francisco and in San Jose. If you want to see how earthquake lights appear on a security camera during the 2007 M8.0 quake south of Lima Peru, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f14pQakxXjc Earthquake lights obviously cannot be seen during daylight hours, so QuakeFinder uses specialized instruments near our magnetometers to monitor for significant air ionization, a necessary event prior to earthquake lights. To date, we have detected 3 cases of positive air ionization in the 24 hours prior to earthquakes in California and Peru. This year we are busy generating and testing new algorithms to sift through 40 TB of magnetometer and ion data, trying to identify and remove extraneous electromagnetic noise, and to identify unique patterns in the data prior to the many earthquakes captured in this data set.

QuakeFinder Newsletter Q1 2016

Book Review: The Politics of Earthquake Prediction

The subject book provides a detailed account of an incident spanning the mid 1970s through the early 1980s. The ‘Brady-Spence’ prediction is named after the two U.S. government scientists who utilized a developing theory of rock fracturing as applied to forecasting coal mine collapse, and expanded the technique to predict large seismic events. They issued a prediction of a major (~Magnitude 9) earthquake to occur near Lima, Peru in the summer of 1980. This prediction, initially made years in advance and limited to scientific circles, eventually made its way into the Peruvian public realm.

Basically, all hell broke loose….

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QuakeFinder To Participate in Earthquake Panel Session

On Thursday Feb 11, 2016, QuakeFinder will participate in a panel hosted by CITRIS and UC Berkeley:

For event info, visit this link.

QuakeFinder & NASA have partnered on a crowdsourcing ‘Quest For Quakes’ competition

QuakeFinder and NASA have teamed on a crowdsourcing ‘Quest For Quakes’ competition. Contestants from around the world will compete to develop algorithms capable of identifying Earth-emitting electromagnetic (EM) signals known to be present in the days and weeks before M 5+ earthquakes. An award pool of $25,000 is available for those that develop winning approaches. The contest runs from July 27, 2015 through August 9, 2015.

QuakeFinder is a Humanitarian R&D effort aimed at developing an Earthquake early warning forecast capability. Since 2000, we have installed and operated 165 sensor suites along known earthquake fault lines in California, Peru, Chile, Greece, Indonesia, and Taiwan, collecting and analyzing the EM data before and after earthquakes.

In this phase of the project, we are developing algorithms to extract the unique pulses known to occur in the weeks and days ahead of moderate-to-large earthquakes. Our ultimate goal is to enable an early warning system – and save lives.

The ‘Quest For Quakes’ competitors are provided a subset of our data and have two weeks to develop code to autonomously detect EM signals in the presence of other EM noise. We expect over 100 participants to compete.

If you or someone in your organization would like to join, please visit the TopCoder site.

This is a very exciting initiative for QuakeFinder and our thanks go to the NASA Tournament Lab, Appirio, and Amazon Web Services for their invaluable contributions to this effort.

Also see: NASA’s Press Release